What To Do When Things Go Wrong

What To Do When Things Go Wrong

Crisis Management

– Immediate response: Act swiftly during financial tumults.

– Stakeholder communication: Maintain transparent channels during crises.

– Strategic recovery: Chart out post-crisis recovery pathways.

– Disaster recovery.

– Risk containment: Isolate and manage crisis epicentres to prevent spread.

Managing Emergency Situations

– Rapid strategy formation: Whip up plans for unforeseen financial emergencies.

– Disaster recovery advice and planning.

– Business continuity assurance: Keep disruptions at a minimum during emergencies.

– Stakeholder engagement: Keep all involved parties informed and aligned.

– Post-emergency analysis: Reflect and learn post-event to bolster future readiness.

Managing Systemic and Idiosyncratic Stress

– Stress testing: Gauge financial system resilience under diverse stressors.

– Living wills and resolution planning.

– Mitigation plans: Draft plans to deflect or absorb systemic shocks.

– Scenario planning: Play out potential stress events and prep responses.

– Continuous monitoring: Stay alert to emerging stressors and adjust accordingly.

Dealing with Law Enforcement

– Legal liaison: Bridge the gap between businesses and enforcement agencies.

– Crisis communication: Craft precise responses during legal confrontations.

– Compliance demonstrations: Proactively showcase adherence to legal mandates.

– Collaborative investigations: Work alongside agencies during probes for smoother processes.

Dispute Management

– Resolution expertise: Navigate financial disputes with diplomacy and tact.

– Stakeholder management: Ensure all parties’ concerns are addressed.

– Proactive mediation: Step in early to prevent escalations and long-term consequences.

– Documentation & analysis: Provide clarity on dispute origins and resolutions.